coal creek golf course

Louisville, Colorado

Master Plans


Coal Creek Golf Course was developed as a public daily-fee golf course in suburban Denver, Colorado. With concerns about ageing infrastructure and declining course conditions, in 2011 the City of Louisville conducted a national search for golf architects and commissioned Herfort Norby to complete an in-depth master plan study.  The goal of the master plan study was to identify and prioritize the need for future capital improvements. The study was completed in January of 2012 and included a detailed agronomic review, irrigation assessment, a customer survey of 13,000 residents of suburban Denver, detailed cost estimates, detailed phasing strategy and Action Plan.

In September of 2013, shortly after completion of the Master Plan, Coal Creek Golf Courses was devastated by torrential rains when its namesake overflowed its banks and flooded the golf course. In October of 2013, the City of Louisville retained the design/build team of Herfort Norby and Landscapes Unlimited to complete the reconstruction of the golf course. The project included repair of approximately $3 million dollars of damage which was funded by the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) eligible repairs as well as $2.5 million dollars of additional improvements, including expansion of the practice facilities and the installation of the irrigation system, which were consistent with the Master Plan Study.

Construction began in April of 2014 and was completed in September of 2014.  The course opened for play in July of 2015.

In 2016, in an international competition, Coal Creek was recognized at the runner-up Best Golf Course Redevelopment in the World behind Trump Turnberry in Scotland.